This weekend, I completed two chores in the vegetable garden … and together, they pointed out the wonderful cycle of planting, growing, harvesting, declining and planting that any garden represents. I began to clear out the oh-so-tired tomato plants, removing dead foliage and extraneous vines so that the few remaining clusters of fruit will have maximum sun exposure to aid in ripening. This task marks the beginning of the end of this summer’s vegetable garden.
And I planted garlic. (Here’s how to plant and grow your own garlic; it’s easy and fun.) Three rows of it, a variety called German Extra Hardy that I purchased from the market at Gorman Heritage Farm where my Master Gardener class met last week. This task marks the beginning of next summer’s garden.
Bryn, I love your posts and your entire site! You are giving me respite and joy. Thank you.
All best,