1-2-3-4 Cake.
Ever heard of 1-2-3-4 Cake? Yeah, me neither. But it’s the formula for the most fundamental, essential, delicious cake. Even if you don’t self-identify as a baker, you can whip this cake up and impress everyone you know.
Ever heard of 1-2-3-4 Cake? Yeah, me neither. But it’s the formula for the most fundamental, essential, delicious cake. Even if you don’t self-identify as a baker, you can whip this cake up and impress everyone you know.
Spring’s finest ingredients — farm-fresh eggs, spring greens and tender herbs — come together in this beautiful frittata recipe. Great Meatless Monday dinner option with fat slices of buttered toast and a glass of white wine.
Welcome to installment No. 1 of The Dorothy Project, in which I’ll cook my way through many of the recipes in my grandma’s old recipe file. First up: one of my favorite desserts from growing up. I loved poppy seed cake so much it was the top layer of our wedding cake. Get my grandma’s old-fashioned recipe on writes4food.com — it’s really easy!
My beloved grandmother, Dorothy, taught me how to cook many things; No. 1 on the list is homemade noodles. In her memory, I’ll be making a batch of these soon. They’re easy and fun to make, and don’t require a pasta machine — you can use these noodles as you would pasta, with a light sauce as they’re fairly delicate. Or, you know, in chicken soup. Here’s the recipe on writes4food.com.
I thought of my grandmother Dorothy today, which prompted me to recall this favorite recipe she shared with me for homemade noodles. Like all cooks of her generation, Grandma is a “some of this, some of that” kind of cook, so I had to wrangle her to get the actual measurements for this recipe. Learn to make homemade egg noodles (pasta all’uovo) at writes4food.com
This Summer Vegetable Casserole recipe is the perfect summer-to-fall transition dish, to make while summer produce is still abundant and the weather cools off enough to where you’re OK with the idea of using the oven to make dinner. We love it as a main dish with a sliced tomato salad, but it’s also a great side for grilled chicken or steak. Get the recipe on writes4food.com!
A recent trip to California’s Sonoma County and its lovely wineries and dining scene provided a ton of much-needed inspiration for new recipes — especially for dishes that are simple, seasonal and produce-centric. I’ll be posting several of these new recipes in coming weeks. First up: a fantastic sweet potato-bacon hash with poached eggs that’s great for brunch or “breakfast for dinner.” Get the recipe!
I celebrated Mother’s Day by making my mom a whole bunch of homemade goodies this weekend, including a zesty lemon tart and an antipasti spread. But brunch turned out to be the hit of the weekend, thanks to this Dutch Baby (puff pancake) topped, croque monsieur-style, with ham and Gruyere. Get the recipe!
If I had one last meal on Earth, this might be it: a simple, summery grilled sandwich with bell pepper, egg, cheese. Try this recipe; you’ll be grilling these babies up all summer long. Get the recipe!