Better than store-bought: Frozen dog treats.

Our petite, pink-nosed terrier mix, Peroni, eats in the style that we do: healthy food, minimally processed, made locally. We love Pet Wants for their natural chicken and rice dog food, made fresh to their specifications. We love snacks and treats from Three Dog Bakery—especially the dehydrated carrot and the little penny-sized Roll-Over Rewards.

I wanted to try a homemade version of the doggie “ice cream” treats you can find at the grocery, something without weird ingredients. So I sniffed around and found a recipe. I tinkered with it quite a bit, reducing the amount of yogurt by half (it makes plenty) and doubling the amount of natural peanut butter, as Peroni loves that. Hope your four-legged friend enjoys this recipe for homemade frozen dog treats!

frozen peanut butter-yogurt dog treats

(makes about 18 individual servings)

2 cups plain or flavored yogurt
2 Tbsp. natural peanut butter
1/2 banana
1 tsp. honey (use up to 2 Tbsp. if you're using plain yogurt)

Throw everything in a blender (or use an immersion blender) and whirl it around until it's pureed and well-combined. Pour into a clean styrofoam egg carton (spray lightly with cooking spray), or into paper-lined muffin tins or small Dixie cups. Freeze until solid.

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